Private and homeschool
How do teachers and parents learn what they need to know when they lack the resources most public schools have?
How do they provide an alternative to public schools while using the Internet and digital media for learning? I equip teachers and parents to overcome the challenges of using technology for education by providing confidence to develop curriculum, use digital media, and design effective online learning for children. |
Rural school staff
How do teachers in small, rural schools keep up with the demands of offering a 21st Century education?
How do parents of public school students support their learning when blended and online learning are so different from their own school experience? I equip teachers and parents to overcome the challenges of using technology for education. |
The Name
Sometimes the jargon educators use creates a barrier between themselves and non-educators. Edubabel, teacher-speak, educatese, are all slang terms sometimes used to describe this language.
Using the word "edubabel" is also a way of poking a little fun. Sometimes it is good to laugh at ones' self. It is also a reminder that no matter how technical education may become, it can still be a lot of fun. |